[...] „Weimar Colonialism“ [...] fills an important gap in the scholarship on German „coloniality,” the enduring presence of colonial discourses in the absence of actual colonies. [...]
Jill Suzanne Smith in „Monatshefte“ (4/2015)
[...] the chapters hold together remarkably well for a conference volume. Krobb and Martin’s introduction provides a very useful survey of major themes on the period, showing how colonialism became an important sphere for working through domestic tensions after 1918. [...] A number of chapters provide nicely focused case studies of this re-negotiation, of the sort that would be effective for classroom use. [...] the volume is nevertheless successful in bringing together a variegated investigation of Weimar colonialist discourse and demonstrates that this era should not be overlooked. Not only did it leave a lasting, underappreciated legacy. It also offers an object lesson in the mythmaking and fearmongering involved when dealing with loss and victimhood in a time of increasing global exchange.
Jeff Bowersox (University College London) in „Germanistik in Ireland. Yearbook of the German Studies Association of Ireland“ (2015)
[...] die einzelnen alle in Englisch verfassten Beiträge geben Anregungen für weiterführende literaturkritische Forschungen und machen zudem den Stand der internationalen akademischen Diskurse über die postkolonialen Studien in der Germanistik deutlich.
Ulrich von Heyden in „Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Missionsgeschichte e.V.“ (56/Juni 2017)