Die Studie von Paul Whitehead [...] weicht in erkenntnisbringender Weise von den übererforschten Kernthemen der Sebald-Philologie (Trauma, Exil, Erinnerung, Holocaust etc.) ab [...]. Aufschlussreich sind Whiteheads Archivstudien im Nachlass, insbesondere was die Auswertung der Lesespuren in S.s Bibliothek betrifft. Whitehead traktiert das Werk nicht mit ungeeigneten literaturtheoretischen Ansätzen, sondern optiert dafür, S.s »Poetik vor dem intellektuellen Hintergrund der europäischen Zwischenkriegsjahre [zu] verorte[n]«. [...] [Es gelingt W.] vielfach, der überbordenden S.-Forschung Neues hinzuzufügen. [...] Vom Gros der S.-Forschung hebt sich die Studie ebenso ab durch den Verzicht auf Jargon und überlange Quantität, die Berücksichtigung rezenter Sekundärliteratur und eine geringe Quote an sachlichen Fehlern im Hinblick auf biografische Daten. Sie zählt daher zu den empfehlenswerten S.-Dissertationen der letzten Zeit.
Uwe Schütte in „Germanistik“ (2019 Band 60 Heft 1-2)
Aisthesis Verlag in Bielefeld has published several good books on Sebald and this one by Paul Whitehead is no exception. [...] Whitehead is a specialist’s specialist when it comes to Sebald. In addition to being deeply informed by his knowledge of Sebald’s papers and working library in Marbach, his Im Abseits presents as well a useful and informative scholarly conversation [...]. Whitehead’s detailed and careful study reminds us that Sebald’s constant and careful attention to that which is not at the center of our broken world is precisely that which allows us to find the potential for little moments of dignity, fleeting glimpses of humanity. Scholars of Sebald will enjoy Whitehead’s book and because of it may be enticed themselves to make the pilgrimage to Marbach so they too can put their hands on Sebald’s Handbibliothek.
Scott Denham in „Monatshefte“ (Vol. 113, No. 4, 2021)
Aisthesis Verlag in Bielefeld has published several good books on Sebald and this one by Paul Whitehead is no exception. [...] Whitehead is a specialist’s specialist when it comes to Sebald. In addition to being deeply informed by his knowledge of Sebald’s papers and working library in Marbach, his Im Abseits presents as well a useful and informative scholarly conversation [...]. Whitehead’s detailed and careful study reminds us that Sebald’s constant and careful attention to that which is not at the center of our broken world is precisely that which allows us to find the potential for little moments of dignity, fleeting glimpses of humanity. Scholars of Sebald will enjoy Whitehead’s book and because of it may be enticed themselves to make the pilgrimage to Marbach so they too can put their hands on Sebald’s Handbibliothek.
Scott Denham in „Monatshefte“ (Vol. 113, No. 4, 2021)